

Friday, March 7, 2014

About Myself and My Mission

     I have been crocheting since I was 18. My first project was a blanket I made for my niece. Over the years I have expanded my crochet talent to include booties, hats, sweaters, bookmarks, and loveys. I can no longer make blankets because of a torn  rotator cuff that didn't heal right after surgery. For a long time I couldn't stand to crochet anything. Now I only do small projects for my friends and family that are having babies. I have decided that I want to use my talent to give back to Akron Children's Hospital because they took great care of my nephew while he was there.

     On Christmas Eve 2006 my sister and brother in law told us we would be welcoming a new baby into the family. The first time I heard his little heart beat I was wrapped around his little finger. On August 1, 2007 Danny was born after an emergency c-section. He was taken to the NICU and we were told that we couldn't see him or my sister for hours. We were finally allowed to go back and see my sister, but Danny wasn't there. He was still with the doctors who were trying to figure out what was wrong with him. It was about 3 in the morning by this time and we had to get home to get the kids ready for school. Soon after we got home my sister called and said they were rushing Danny to Akron Children's Hospital and that he had something called Di George Syndrome and to have me look up what it was. It affects the heart, lungs, immune system, and many other issues. Pretty much everything that you could have with Di George Syndrome Danny had. On the site I went to it said that 86% of infants survive the first month, 14% survive the first three months. For 82 days we went up to Akron to visit with him and to take turns staying with my sister. They decided to fly Danny up to Ann Arbor Michigan to see a specialist. He died on October 23, 2007 in Ann Arbor. I have lost many people in my life, but by far Danny was the hardest for me. The loss of a children is the worst thing that anyone could go through. For the longest time I couldn't look at a baby boy without wanting to cry.

     I have been thinking for a long time about giving back to Akron Children's Hospital and now I think it's time to put my crochet talent to good use. My mission is to give a hat and booties set to Akron Children's for every item I make for my family, friends, and for every item I sell.

You can find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dannys-Angels/779726572055249

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